February 13, 2014

It's All About Community!

I love video games.
I was fascinated by video games ever since I saw one.
I've loved them since the first time I ever held a controller.
Looting treasure chests, hunting down the bad guys, getting the epic piece of gear, and saving the world... these have been a part of my life for a very long time.

I started with single player RPGs. FFVIII is my first real retail game and I was hooked.

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I'd sit by myself and play 'til I passed out, rinse and repeat.
Then I discovered the MMORPG... I picked up Everquest and had no idea what I was getting into. Playing online with other people? GASP!
It's when I joined a guild and actually got to know other players I discovered what it's like to have a gaming community. To be a part of something with others. To share that feeling of helping each other and goals.

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Unfortunately my class in Everquest was nerfed (beaten to death with the nerfbat is an understatement) to the point where I couldn't even solo anymore. This was right around the time that WoW came out. So I switched. I felt bad leaving my EQ friends behind but to my surprise a couple of people followed me. It was fun learning a new game and meeting new people. The WoW community is strong and after 10 years (I played for 6+ then quit) I'm still friends with several people outside of the game.
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I was tired of WoW after so long and after so many changes... I needed some gaming variety in my life so I decided to get a PS3 and FFXIII. My gaming started with Final Fantasy VIII so I wanted to get back into JRPGs and consoles in general. It was great being able to play at my own pace, hog all the loot, and actually FINISH the game. Next after that was Heavy Rain... and I've been loving my consoles ever since. The variety and actually being able to finish a game feels so satisfying.
Of all the places I've worked, I've been the only gamer. I felt like the odd one out because none of my coworkers played video games. It's almost like I was the little kid of the office to someone once they knew. Yeah I'm young at heart and most people don't believe me when I say my age anyways lol... to most people, someone my age should be married with a mortgage and have kids. NOPE!
Fast forward to three years ago when I met my boyfriend. He's the most amazing person and I feel so lucky to have him. When I met him I maybe had around 15k gamerscore. He had 200k. I was like shock! So then I started achievement hunting with and along side of him, and I love it.

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The first game we 1000'd together was Portal 2. I've also met some of his Xbox pals and they are awesome people. Then I joined x360a looking for achievement guides... and kinda felt that "community" feeling again. I hunted some more sites wanting to meet other achievement friends and found myself on TrueAchievements. Friend lists and blogs? See what others are playing and a feed that you can comment on? YAY! So I joined and have met some pretty awesome gamers.  I'm also glad to be a part of the Retroids gaming community, even if they don't understand my gamerscore/trophy hunting, haha.

I started live streaming my gaming last month looking for yet another community, but there are too many trolls and rude people (especially towards females) on Twitch to make it worth trying to do full time. One guy was nice but became "too nice" if you know what I mean. So I had to make a new Twitch channel so hopefully he won't bother me there.
Kinda sucks starting over and not having all the cool viewers I met, but it'll be nice streaming more casually. I honestly don't have enough of an outgoing or talkative personality to be able to make partner anyways. I'll use the new channel for Extra Life this year, yay! I also have a hitbox.tv page as a backup in case Twitch is unstable. (Hitbox is a new upcoming game streaming site. It's actually very stable and the delay is awesome... however since it's new there aren't many people who know about it.)

I still mostly play games by myself or with my boyfriend, but I love being a part of a community. 

How important is a gaming community for you?

If you made it through this entire wall of text, you are awesome. <3

1 comment:

  1. for guys, girl who love video games is a dream come true... But no more WoW lol, 6 years wasted in it and still have cravings. Actually i'm trying to quit gaming at once, some dirt bike flash games and racing games perhaps and that's all, no more MMO for me.
