June 19, 2013

Slave to the Numbers

Seeing achievements pop and numbers rise... gamerscore is fun. Mostly.

I see so many blog posts about thoughts on next gen, decided to throw a few of my thoughts out there as well.

Before I got my Xbox 360, I had a PS3. I bought it to play FFXIII. I choose PS3 over 360 for the game because I didn't have to swap discs and it came with a blu ray player.
While disappointed with the game, I didn't regret my console purchase. Then I moved onto Heavy Rain and wow, that's such a brilliant game. I played on the PS3 and enjoyed myself after being out of the console loop for a long time (I played WoW for 5+ years, don't judge me!). When Halo Reach was released, several of my friends really wanted me to join them so I caved and bought a 360. Memories of LAN parties playing Halo on the original Xbox came rushing back to me. 
So after that I played both consoles here and there... I liked both systems because they were fairly similar. I could rent games for each and had different friends on both sides. 
Then I met my current bf just over two years ago. He's an Xbox guy. He also has a PS3 but called it his "blu ray player" lol. I really enjoyed playing games and achievement hunting together... so my PS3 collected dust.

...fast forward to this month...
E3... oh the politics and drama were so entertaining to watch. Gamers are very passionate about their hobby and this year it really showed. 
I'm excited for next gen... people kept asking me, "Which side are you picking?"

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I agree with the statement, "It's all about the games." 
XB1 showed a few more exclusives but none of them at E3 really caught my attention. Ryse isn't for me since I hate quick time events. Dead Rising 3 looked cool until I saw:

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I already don't like the forced Kinect but having to be quiet while I play... no thanks. It's a cool idea, I'll give it that.
Most of the games I want are cross platform anyways... Destiny and The Division look amazing! I'm super excited for PvZ Garden Warfare... EA just "forgot" to mention that it's also coming to PS3.
Playstation tends to have more JRPG exclusives which is a favorite genre of mine, so that's factoring in my console of choice as well. I've ignored so many good JRPGs to play Xbox instead just to get some more numbers... not anymore!

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(oh that poor bunny)

The PS4 will finally have cross game chat and a better controller for shooters... so they have my attention. Yesterday I signed up for a PS+ trial on my PS3, I'm super thrilled about all the "free" games to download. I have already downloaded Deus Ex, Vanquish, XCOM, Uncharted 3, Saints Row The Third, and other various smaller arcade titles. They are free as long as my PS+ membership is active.

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I'm not turning into a Sony fangirl... I'm a gamer, I enjoy playing games. I'm not loyal to one side anymore because I am looking at the overall package. Just because you choose one of the other, doesn't make a superior gamer. I can't stand elitist jerks who think they are better based on their platform of choice. I've heard of some people ONLY sticking with Xbox because of their gamerscore and I find that kinda sad... it should be more about the games. It's not like my gamerscore will be engraved on my tombstone. But I can understand if that's taken over your gaming habits instead of just playing for fun like we did in previous generations. Some people actually expected me to just get an XB1 because I like achievements so much. It's true that I like them, but like I said, I want the whole package. It's not like my gamerscore is gonna disappear. wink

In conclusion, my bf and I are getting BOTH consoles on release (one of each)... that's the best way I can judge for myself which will be my gaming platform of choice next gen. Even he, a bigger Xbot than I ever was, is also going to be open minded as well. He even bought me a PS Vita! He also dusted off his PS3 and we're going to play Saints Row The Third together this weekend. <3

PSN ID: vitaminamy

1 comment:

  1. Love to read your opinion. I see you constantly posting all the games you play on FB. Makes me jealous lol since I barely have time to play myself. As for me I am going w PS4 bc its cheaper but will get them all when I can afford to do so.
