So what have I been playing lately? Thanks for asking!
Dragon Age Origins... complete! One of my proudest completions. Took forever even with guides (and me getting distracted by every shiny piece of loot).

I decided to play Operation Cleanup RPG. Both FFXIII-2 and Enchanted Arms hadn't been finished so went after those completions. All I had left in FFXIII-2 was to beat an optional boss on normal difficulty, win 10,000 coins in the casino, and perform 1,000 paradigm shifts. Boss wasn't too bad after getting a proper strategy. I am NOT a fan of luck based achievements so working on the casino achievement was somewhat annoying. There are 2 options, chocobo races or play the slot machines. I went for slot machines and busted out the turbo controller to auto play for me.

So after FFXIII-2 cleanup was complete I decided to tackle Enchanted Arms. I hadn't touched the game in 2 years but as soon as I loaded up my save, it all came back to me. The combat is pretty fun, it was my first grid style turn based JRPG. Only thing I had to do to complete this game was just to finish it. It's nice to see another unfinished game completed. I've also been playing Lord of the Rings: War in the North randomly here and there in co-op with Lil Miss Cherry... I feel like such a noob in that game, haha.
After FFXIII-2, I felt like something casual and easy so started the game KrissX. That's pronounced "criss cross" (make you jump jump?)... and I wouldn't have known that if the game hadn't told me at the menu screen.

Sooooooooooooo... my bf approached me with an idea. Each of us pick out a game for the other person to play. No silly stuff or torturing the other person, a genuine game that you think the other person should give an honest chance. So we traded these:

I'm looking forward to playing our little game again... I have a few ideas in mind for games he has never played.
Mass Effect (I know!)
Lollipop Chainsaw (he likes hack and slash)
Testament of Sherlock Holmes (he liked the first game)
FFXIII-2 (he didn't care for FFXIII but he did watch me play this and mentioned that it looks more fun)
I'll make another blog post for when we decide to trade games again. Hope I get something good!
Oh and I just have to mention that I'm very excited for Fable Anniversary HD being released on 360 this year!
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