December 11, 2012

Feeling Peachy

Hello thar! wave
It's 8am and I'm feeling great. In fact, I woke up a couple hours ago and I wasn't a zombie when crawling out of bed. That's amazing I know! Especially when I'm used to sleeping in until 10am or so during the week.
Dragon's Dogma! Done! Finished! Complete! Terminated! Accomplished! Yeah! According to the in-game counter, I spent 137h28m playing. I'm sure several of those hours were me AFK or reading the guide on how to do

Dragon's DogmaThe HeroThe The Hero achievement in Dragon's Dogma worth 40 gamerscoreCompleted all pre-planned, non-notice board quests.
That achievement is a bit trickier than one might think, a good guide (in order) will help out greatly. My pawn is a level 70 archer and she has knowledge of all the fights (even that beotch Ur Dragon) so hopefully she'll be able to help someone in the future.

Why am I feeling peachy? Well right now I am drinking a killer peach/banana/strawberry/OJ smoothie. Made by yours truly. I decided to get myself a personal blender and start having a daily fruit smoothie. They are soooo NOM! Here I am enjoying one while Dragon's Dogma-ing it up:

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and also while playing the new Skyrim DLC, Dragonborn:
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I've been trying a different fruit combo everyday. Here are my favorites:
  • cherry, banana, berry, apple juice
  • peach, banana, strawberry, OJ
  • peach, berry, OJ
  • mango, berry, banana, OJ
I'm actually enjoying a homemade smoothie right now while writing this. laugh I have a variety of frozen fruit and also some canned peaches (yum) and pineapple (yuck, those are for the bf) and OJ in the fridge. I never add any dairy, it's 100% fruit with sometimes added green tea powder, which hides well.  Also the super fun part about having a mini blender, the blender jar doubles as a drinking cup, less dishes YEAH! clap

Last week I received these in the mail:

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Made me feel really good! I love participating in Extra Life each year and plan on doing so in 2013. Raising money for Children's Miracle Network by playing video games for 24 hours straight, while streaming it live, while taking requests to play certain games? Count me in! I have all the footage from this year but haven't converted it for editing into a highlights video yet. It's on my list, I promise! Once I figure out how... laugh I've never messed with flv format video before. It's a new adventure!

Today is my post game lazy time... so I'll probably watch Netflix and play a phone game or two. I did download Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (WP) which I'm a bit excited about. Since I'm American, this isn't available in the US marketplace. After hearing that you can switch regions on a Windows Phone 8 and access other marketplaces, I pounced! It should be a quick completion, perfect for my lazy time.

I'm not really sure what retail game I'll play next. Gamefly is sending me Disney Pixar Toy Story Mania! and Nickelodeon Dance 2. So whenever I get those 2 games, I'll have a "act like a little kid" day. :D For points of course... yeah that's it... suuuure. clap As for *insert serious face* games... I have Port Royale 3: Pirates and Merchants that I'm tempted to jump into. My bf 1k'd it so I'm sure he can give me lots of pointers. I actually wouldn't mind another long RPG, guess I'm on a streak. Maybe MagnaCarta 2 if the mood strikes. Plus the gamerscore stacks so hopefully I'll like it! I really want to play Saints Row: The Third (GER Ver) but I promised the bf we'd play it co-op and his PAL console is being borrowed at the moment. cry

Oh! I got my Om Nom plush! Here he is:

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I should probably feed him some candy...

Here's what's playing on Pandora right now:

Cheers and happy gaming! music

1 comment:

  1. Your personal blender has a message for you:
    Use. More. Mango.

