If you caught the stream, hopefully it was fun to watch. The task of creating a highlights video won't be an easy one but it'll be fun.
My friends and I ended up playing lots and lots of Happy Wars all night... and I'm impressed how fun that is (with friends) for a free to play game. I played a cleric class 99% of the time and running around trying to heal people. Brought me back to my WoW days of playing a resto druid.
Unfortunately while I was trying to set things up and start my Extra Life marathon, my GTASC team Pixel Chicks were struggling to stay afloat. I felt bad that I wasn't able to postpone the stream to try and grab more fast points to keep us in the competition but alas... we didn't make it. You've gotta give to us that making it 13th out of 120 or so teams is impressive! Go girls! I'm totally game for participating in GTASC next year if the stars align.
Today as I'm typing this up, I'm "playing" the Karaoke app on my Xbox... and by that I mean there's a mic up to a fan, lol. The 6 hour pass is half off ($2.49US) until Nov 7th so I might as well get some quick achievements for GSL. I'm on a super casual team and I just joined to help beat PS3T in the cross site competition. It's number of achievements vs number of trophies.
I also bought The Wolf Among Us but haven't played it yet. I keep waiting for Disney Fairies (Win 8) to update on my laptop to get the latest episode... I haven't updated my OS to Win 8.1 (yet) so not sure if it'll ever be available to me if I don't.
It's hard trying to get as much gamerscore as you can while being really picky about games. I don't like platformers, racing, fighting, versus multiplayer, sports games... yeah, lol. I didn't grow up playing platformers like many old school gamers out there, my first real video game was a turn based RPG, Final Fantasy VIII.
After GSL is done with (Dec 1st), I still plan on changing my gamertag so I'll keep everyone posted so you don't see some random name on your list, lol. I like when people call me "Amy" instead of "vita" lol. I'm still doing the "gather your favorite words" idea and looking at unique combos. My bf's gamertag, along with several of his friends, have a regular name type of format so I'd like the same thing. I want to make sure the tag will match an available PSN ID, even though I hardly touch my PS3 anymore. Sucks that Sony won't just let you change your name on there but starting over doesn't sound too bad, I have games on my tag that I didn't boot up and you can't delete 0 trophy games.
Once my Xbox One gets here I'll be slobbering all over it. Zoo Tycoon and Project Spark I'm super excited about! I think the bf wants to play Dead Rising 3 with me so I'll pick that up too. I still have a ton of 360 games I still want to play so hopefully I can just plug that into the hdmi input on the XB1. That reminds me that I need to order a play and charge kit too! Ahhhh new shinies! November 22nd GET!
I'm listening to Pandora and this song just came on... enjoy!
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