I went back through my already played games and found a few that I can cleanup. For some reason I just didn't feel like completing them 100%, probably due to boredom and being ready to move on to something else. RPGs are my genre of choice and they tend to be really time consuming. FFXIII is a game I'm satisfied with so doubt I'll go back just to put in another 20+ hours just for a couple achievements. However I did find a few RPGs I can return to and complete (hopefully) easily.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Winning the casino achievement put me off of completing this... why? I don't like odd numbered achievements. This seems silly now since it really doesn't matter. I didn't like the chocobo races and the slot machines were too random. The achievement to even this out is tied to paradigm shifting X number of times so I stopped playing because I didn't want to pop that w/o being able to win at the casino. I feel really silly now when I go back and read what I just typed, lol.
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom - All I have left in this game is related to the last character's special side quest. It's not an epic boss battle... the only fighting involved is a "duel". In this duel you have to determine where they will strike based on what they say, and it's your job to counteract it. There is a guide for the correct answers and I know it'll be easy. It just didn't sound like fun so I moved on. I'm sure I can play Netflix on my laptop while finishing this, It's turn based so no pressure to respond quickly.
Enchanted Arms - Great turn based RPG... I almost reached the very end and just didn't feel like grinding anymore before fighting the final boss(es). My bf owns the JP and Asian versions of this game so if I complete this, perhaps I'll play it again for a stack.
Other RPGs I'm interested in playing (and haven't started yet) are Magna Carta 2, Risen 2, and Dragon Age Origins. I've played DA:O before on PS3 so I won't feel bad rushing it.

What HAVE I completed recently you ask? Well I did very much enjoy Poker Night 2 and Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.
My bf and I played both games side by side and had a great time together.

I did enjoy Poker Night 2! The humor was great but the AI were a bunch of lucky cheaters, lol. Good thing I was able to dashboard whenever I got a losing hand. Some of the humor was repetitive but the whole time playing I did hear new funnies, so the grind wasn't too bad. The avatar awards are also awesome (<3 GLaDOs). Wish more games gave out kick ass rewards like this one.

Well I suppose I should stop watching Netflix and boot up a game finally! Need some points for my GTASC team, Pixel Chicks!
A friend of mine made a banner for our team, check it out: http://www.gtasc.net/team-14.php
Alright, everyone have a good weekend and GAME ON!
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