April 16, 2013

Time to get the rear in gear...

I loves me some video games... I can sit for hours at a time with a controller, immersed in the story and gameplay of what's displayed on my television. There should also be balance of getting some exercise and staying healthy. Sitting for so long all the time just isn't good for a person. My diet is okay but it's time to get my rear in gear and get some exercise! It really feels like my body's endurance tanked while being sick and not moving much during that time. Now that my energy levels have returned, I'm determined to get into shape again.

So what's on the gaming menu? Well I've played the crap out of FFXIII... all that is left are 5-starring all of the cie'th stone missions (4 of 'em that I didn't get 5 stars on) and hold every weapon/accessory. Not sure how much more time I'll put into actually completing it, I'm just ready for a new game. Plus if I choose Kinect games, it'll help my goals of getting into shape again.

Which Kinect games you ask? Well, I can do some more Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Workout as an opener for the day. For a workout game, it's actually not that bad! I think it gets a bad rap because it's not a AAA title. The tracking works pretty well and I do work up a sweat after each session.

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I do like that the game doesn't require a lot of floor space, you can stand fairly close to the sensor, closer than Dance Central games.  One day it'll work one set of muscles and a different set the next day, which is nice if you are sore from the previous workout.

Then, after I'm not horribly sore from those workouts, I'd like to move on to other games such as Mini Ninjas Adventures and Kinectimals. I did play Fantastic Pets a while ago and that game is actually good fun! Pretty easy too. I hear better things about Kinectimals (vs Fantastic Pets) so I've got my hopes up for a super cute and fun game. My boyfriend also gave me Wipeout 3 for Christmas last year... not sure if I'm brave enough to try it. He likes the tv show but I've never watched it... I'm scared!

While I'm taking it easy and not overdoing the exercising, I'd like to finish up Monster Island (WP) and possibly start Royal Envoy 2 Special Edition (Win 8). I'd also like another retail game for my "I'm too sore to move" downtimes. I love RPGs but something kinda short and action-y is appealing right now. Lollipop Chainsaw? Duke Nukem Forever? Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom? Maybe I'll just have to pick something from a hat. laugh

I've never played a LEGO game before so I rented Lord of the Rings. Watched a youtube review of it and it look pretty cute and fun. I'm a noob when it comes to platforming so I am a bit scared of getting frustrated. I can die a bunch of times on a boss when playing an RPG but if I fall because I miss a jump, I get all flustered. redface The game is in my Xbox disc drive as I type this... I even installed it. Will I play it? No idea, lol. Maybe try it on a different profile to see how I'll like it.

This arrived yesterday:

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I'm so excited! While I was sick I managed to lose my wallet in the house somewhere (I think my chair ate it). I just always kept a small one in the back of my pocket and it just poofed. I've never liked purses but now I feel like I need to start carrying one. What better way to make it awesome than with a cactuar charm? Cactuars have been in Final Fantasy games since FFVI and they are one of my favorite enemies. Here is one I snagged a pic of while playing FFXIII:
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I think they are adorable. smile I always giggle whenever I am in battle with one... until they shoot 1000 needles at me. cry

Rain rain rain... it's springtime in Oregon! The trees are flowering and it's raining like crazy! Here's my front yard:

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It's very green here but it's also very wet. I do love the weather where I live, the temperatures are mild compared to the rest of the country. Sun does happen here for a couple months mid-summer, lol. Looking forward to that so I won't drown when I want to go for walks outside.

Well I guess it's time for my first workout session in a long time... I like to play my own music (the music in workout games is never what I want to hear) so I'll probably start off with this song:

Hope I can survive the entire 40 minutes, lol. Happy gaming everyone!

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